
Roles in Thrive determine which forms, data fields, and functions a user can access. A user account by itself is not granted permission to the functions within Thrive. Users are granted access within Thrive by way of membership to Roles. All newly created Thrive users will become members of any role that has been checked to “automatically add to new users”.

General Information

How to Access: Menu > Administration > Roles

Role Precedence
Thrive users may be members of multiple roles. The user will inherit the highest level access and functional privilege level from the set of roles assigned to the user.

Initial Set-up Reccomendations

Establishing a well thought out set of roles is key to the long term security and administration of the Thrive system.

Too few roles, will not provide enough granularity to your security control and too many roles will create a complex and hard to maintain system. The perfect combination granularity and ease of administration will differ for each size of organization based on the size, number of users, and Thrive process modules being utilized.

The following concepts are useful to consider when creating roles for the Thrive system:

  1. Which Thrive process modules are being used now? Which other modules may be used in the future?

  2. Will the roles be named after the job descriptions used in our organization or based on the access granted in Thrive?

  3. Will some users need read only access while others will need full control?

  4. Is your organization divided with clear silo designations (Quality, Safety, Engineering, Maintenance) or do most of the users work in many functional areas of the company?

  5. Will users with similar job descriptions but different departmental affiliations within the organization need the same or different access control?

  6. Will users require membership to multiple security roles?